If you first check out the FAQ page and then check out the 100% free beginner course, there’s a pretty big chance most of your questions will be answered.
If you ask your question on the message boards, you’ll not only get a reply a reply from me most of the time (I’m on the message boards a lot), you also get other people’s two cents, which can be very useful. Sometimes those other people will provide you with a great answer faster than I do!
If you send me an email directly (rob@questforgroove.com), I will read it, I will answer, but it sometimes takes me a while, since I’m running this whole operation by myself. Sometimes I have to prioritise a bit, for example when I’m working on a new course. The emails can pile up during a week of filming.
They are almost always resolved within a few hours. The only thing that can happen is that you send me an email while I’m asleep. Again, I’m all alone here, so when I’m asleep I cannot help you right away ^_^.